Smoking Cessation

Smoking Cessation

We all know smoking is very harmful to our health but giving up can be hard. But you too can stop smoking with Everyone Health Smoking Cessation Service.
Smoking rates are dropping faster than ever and not smoking is the social norm. However, there are still more than 7 million adults who smoke in the UK.

Did you know? You’re more likely to smoke if you have a manual job than a desk job.


Why giving up smoking is difficult

Even people who really want to quit can find it hard.

That’s because the nicotine found in tobacco is very addictive and creates withdrawal symptoms and cravings. And it’s the withdrawal from the nicotine that makes quitting smoking hard. Common withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Urge to smoke
  • Weight gain
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Concentration problems
  • Fatigue
  • Restlessness
  • Irritability

Tips to help you quit smoking

  • Get support from friends by asking them to smoke around you.
  • Don’t replace cigarettes with food – go for a five-minute walk instead of your cigarette break to reduce your cravings.
  • Save the money you would have spent on cigarettes in a jar so you can see your progress
  • Stay positive – every day without a cigarette is a good thing
  • E-cigarettes may help to quit smoking but are not a risk-free alternative

You can also use different therapies to help you quit such as hypnotherapy, acupuncture, or counselling. Find what works for you.


Smoking Cessation Program

Starting from the 1st July, we will no longer be delivering the smoking cessation program. Instead, Everyone Health will be taking over and offering a comprehensive 12-week smoking cessation program, including behavioural support and Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT).

To ensure a smooth transition, we will cease delivering the program on the week commencing 22nd May. This will allow our patients to achieve their 4-week quit milestone following their quit date.

The specialist smoking cessation service will now be conducted at various community venues across the county. You will be seen by NCSCT practitioners on a one-on-one basis, who will provide NRT during the consultation and offer tailored behaviour change support. Additionally, you will have access to digital support via the Smokefree App, which will enable you to maintain motivation and connect with registered practitioners 24/7.

Referral Pathway

Everyone Health aims to simplify the referral process for busy clinicians in surgeries. Once a referral has been made, you can expect to receive a triage call from our clinical contact centre within 48 hours.

Here’s how you can make a referral:

Self-referral and referrals via a Health Professional are both accepted.

We understand that quitting smoking can be challenging, but we are here to support you.
Styvechale Pharmacy’s Smoking Cessation Service has been successful in helping individuals quit smoking, and we highly recommend you take advantage of this opportunity. Smoking cessation is one of the best decisions you can make for your health, and we are committed to helping you achieve your goals.


Start Your Referral Today!