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Why Should You Get a Flu Jab this Winter?

Styvechale Pharmacy

nhs flu jab in Coventry

The flu vaccine is available through the NHS at a considerable number of pharmacies. Those who are more likely to experience serious flu complications are protected by this vaccine. Keep reading to find out more about getting the NHS flu jab in Coventry.

When should the NHS flu jab be administered?

The recommended time to get the flu vaccination is in the autumn or a few days after winter has started before the virus can potentially spread. However, you could still get it later. Getting the flu vaccination is the best method to guarantee that you have immunity to the virus for some time.

Who should get the flu vaccine?

You can get the flu vaccine on the NHS if you:

– Are above the age of 65.
– Have particular health issues.
– Are pregnant.
– Are in long-stay residential care.
– Get a carer’s allowance, or are the main carer for a disabled or older person who may be at risk if you become sick.
– Live with someone who is more likely to contract a severe infection because of a compromised immune system, like someone who has HIV, someone who is having some treatments for cancer, lupus or rheumatoid arthritis or who has had a transplant.
– Are frontline health workers.
– Are social care workers who can’t get the vaccine through an occupational health scheme at work.

You can learn more about eligibility here.

nhs flu jab in Coventry

Who should not get an NHS flu jab?

The majority of adults can receive the flu vaccine, but if you’ve ever experienced a severe adverse reaction to one, it’s advisable that you don’t. If you are allergic to eggs, the flu vaccine may cause a negative reaction. Several flu vaccines are manufactured using eggs as a raw material.

If you need an egg-free or low-egg vaccine, speak with your doctor or pharmacist. You should wait to get the flu vaccination until you feel better if you are otherwise sick or have a fever.

Flu vaccine and COVID-19

Flu vaccines are essential because:

– Despite the fact that it is often unpleasant, the flu can be dangerous and even deadly for some people, primarily those who already have specific medical conditions.
– More people are likely to acquire the flu this winter because fewer people will have naturally built immunity to the sickness during the COVID-19 epidemic.
– If you have the flu and COVID-19 at the same time, your chances of developing serious illness increase.
– Receiving the flu vaccine lowers the risk of being admitted to the hospital with the illness.
– Expectant mothers who receive vaccinations are protected both during pregnancy and after delivery.
– It actually has the ability to save children’s lives.
– By receiving the vaccination, you also safeguard those around you.

How much is the NHS flu jab in Coventry?

Set up an appointment with your local pharmacy that offers the flu vaccination through the NHS if you are eligible for a free jab.

Additionally, you might get an invitation to get immunised, but you are not forced to wait until you do to schedule an appointment. Everyone who meets the requirements will be eligible for the free flu vaccination.

nhs flu jab in Coventry

Where can I get a flu vaccine?

The following places provide the NHS flu vaccine:

– Your GP surgery
– Your midwifery service if you’re pregnant
– A pharmacy offering the service
– Hospital appointment

How long is the flu vaccine good for?

The flu vaccination is your best option for protecting yourself against the virus. Although the primary influenza virus strains are combated by flu vaccines, getting sick is still a risk.

In the unlikely event that you do get the flu after getting vaccinated, it will mostly be mild and pass quickly. The vaccination will reduce your risk of spreading the illness to people who could be more susceptible to serious effects.

It takes the flu vaccination about 10 to 14 days to start working.

Can you get the NHS flu jab in Coventry as a student?

Yes. You must get immunised against the flu if you currently attend or plan to enrol in a college or university. Teenagers and college students are particularly susceptible to the flu virus. Flu transmission is exacerbated by crowded classrooms, shared housing spaces, and group social activities.

nhs flu jab in Coventry

What are the side effects of the flu vaccine?

The flu jab works very well. The upper arm muscle is usually the ideal place for intramuscular vaccination administration.

The majority of adverse effects are minor and generally persist for one or two days. These consist of:

– Muscle pain
– Discomfort at the site of injection

Book your appointment with Styvechale Pharmacy today to get your NHS flu jab in Coventry.




This blog post was written on behalf of Styvechale Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor.






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